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holiday gift ideas

Itchy sweaters. Nutmeg on everything. Cautious small talk with your uncle who you unfollowed after he posted something trumpy. But really, this time of year is about letting your loved ones think you spent more on their presents than they did on yours. And El Lopo’s got you covered!

customized porrónes

$95, with a free refill

Get your very own porrón with a message of your choice inscribed on one side, and (optionally) a lopo mascot on the other. The first time you use it at El Lopo, we’ll also fill it up with your favorite wine for free.

a close up of a bottle

gift memberships to our take-care-of-me club


Sorta like a gift card, only thoughtful. Get your friend an instant upgrade to VIP status at El Lopo, complete with a house account, free access to events, and lots of fun little membership perks. You can pay upfront for a set period of your choosing, with no need to keep a card on file. 

If that all sounds complicated though, regular gift cards are available here.


bottlescans, and kits


For the first time, we’re making our vermouth kits available to go! Pre-order one for next-day pickup, and we’ll give you a bottle of any vermouth with an assortment of fixings to dress it up. You’ll get way more points for bringing one of these to a holiday party than you would with a plain old bottle of wine.

But sure, we have plain old bottles of wine too. And a few special ones we made ourselves!

two oranges sitting on top of a wooden table